Monday, August 14, 2006

bing and some other thing

i just found a great song. i think it's korean. the title is bing bing bing by clon. actually i didn't find it, the dancers did. they are using it for bash this wednesday. but obviously i'm not going so i won't be able to see them dancing. sigh. clubbing is not my type unfortunately. no lyrics this time though. i couldn't find anything on it yet. but i've the youtube. here.

ah, they are having formal dinner right now. with dates and all. and i'm in my room. relaxing, reading a book (good omens by terry pratchett). i'm not even concentrating. there are lots of things going on in my head. i'm still indecisive. about what? something personal. and no, doesn't have anything to do with girl/s. well, maybe slightly. =P

well, my mind is really preoccupied the past few nights. i think i'm in a brink of a big change, or a big loss. i don't know. it depends on my decision really. and i seriously don't know which direction will my life proceed from here on.

i think my life is wonderful now. but i'm wrong. i must be. somebody told me something that made me realised that. inadvertently. i think it's time. yes. it's time for the big decision. i don't know when will i make that decision. but it's a big turning point definitely.

meanwhile, i'm sorry. i made my promise and i won't back out of it. it's either hall or . . . yes, i'm now held accountable for my promise. the promise i made months back. it has come back to haunt me. although xz was right too saying that it's unfair for other people to force me to choose between hall and whatever other thing is there. but i guess it's even more unfair to certain people, including me.

talk of weird cryptic text, this must be one of those. i feel weird even typing the above statement. of all these, i only confided them to certain people. ironically, they are not people who are closest to me.

i think this is a way of life, or God's, to lead me to the right path.


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