Thursday, March 29, 2007

i'm very confused!!!

oi, i'm very confused about the timeline. how come everything becomes confusing. usp students are just plain confusing!! darn! okay explain to me. first this:

kimberly, 3/28/2007 10:58:59 PM:
[quote]what person are you asking chris about ah

shafy wants to watch more hitchcock films!, 11:01:22 PM:
oh it's between me and him ;)

the one he was telling you about
on his blog[unquote]

kimberly says:
she said first

then this:

kimberly says:
[quote]shafy wants to watch more hitchcock films!, 3/28/2007 11:05:10 PM:
some woman at some eating place?
has he been lying?!

how come you dunno who?
i thought you knew[unquote]

i'm very, very, very confused! what eating place? what woman? what ask who? who say what first? seriously leh, when that guy who looks like a girl (oh, and he's quote well-endowed btw) started to dip his leg into things he doesn't know, things get confusing!

i really need somebody to explain to me. before i start accusing people. the one i'm most confused is about that "woman at the eating place". which woman are they referring to? are they referring to the same woman as i do?

second question: "the one he was telling you about on his blog". what does it mean? i seriously don't recall telling anyone about anyone in my blog that has anything to do with this.

oh, and did i tell you that gabe stole my line without citing?

more confusing line:

cH » bloody gabe stole my line . . . says:
ok.. what abt the "some woman at some eating place?" who told u abt htis one?

kimberly says:
someone :x

cH » bloody gabe stole my line . . . says:
which someone?

cH » bloody gabe stole my line . . . says:
how does shafy knows as well?

kimberly says:
ask her

see, the way out is to come clean!

cH » bloody gabe stole my line . . . says:
nope i wont.. i tell u telling u will just start a string of interminable disaster


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